I think I may have missed having a gelato on only two days in the past seven or so weeks. I'm not one to do things by halves...
I still cannot get online access to my HSBC Hong Kong account despite having a case manager who is exceedingly available and helpful (much appreciated). It could all come together tomorrow, which would be rather interesting symmetry as it's the day I leave Chile to return to New York and I lost access to the account on the day I arrived in mid-November.
I'm now in Providencia, which is a much easier part of town to live in when I'm very busy with work, as the things I need are at my doorstep. They include a fabulous salad place, where I've been getting my lunch and sometimes also an extra takeaway for dinner each day since I arrived last Sunday.
My social life has been severely curtailed by work this week, but I've caught up briefly with John and Ingrid.
I don't know if Chile will figure again for me as a short-term base. I would like to have seen some of the country (other than just two cities) and done some walks, but that wasn't possible this time. I would definitely need to learn some Spanish if I come back! I'm hoping some friends I've made will stick.
We had a 5.2 magnitude earth tremor earlier in the week. I felt it shake my building.
I'm trying to get some jobs tidied away before I leave tomorrow night.
Ciao, ciao, Chile.
Bye Robyn
ReplyDeleteI wish you had a nice time in Chile
It was a pleasure to have a coffee with you
Carlos Smith